Snapchat Can Help Boost Your Business, Here’s How …

7 Aug

Social media is bigger than ever when it comes to businesses and nowadays, you’ve got to be on every single social network out there. If you think you can miss out on Snapchat because it doesn’t have anything to do with your website, your product, your business, you are wrong! Snapchat is booming and there are so many people on it, using it to increase their business and it is working. If you aren’t sure how to get started, we’ve got you covered.

1. Stage a Big Reveal

McDonald’s used this to reveal and roll out a new sandwich and guess what. It worked! They spelled out ‘Stay Tuned’ in French fries and people flocked to the Snapchat story to see what McDonald’s was up to. You can do the same exact thing and apply it to your website, a new design, a giveaway or even to a product you are excited about.

2. Let Top Influencers ‘Take Over’ for the Day

This happens a lot with companies, you let someone that has a huge following to take over your Snapchat for a few days, a week and post on it? You’ll gain all kinds of followers you didn’t know existed! Wet Seal did this and it boosted their connections in just two weeks!

3. Feature Your Followers

Finally, why not feature some of your followers? Gathering short stories or content from your readers and followers will increase your views and followers by about 20% – it’s been proven! You can use this for a giveaway or even just for a contest. People love to be featured!

So, is Snapchat for you? It should be!

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