What Was the Most Important Lesson You Learned When Building Your Career …

29 Nov

When you are first starting out in your career, it can be hard to figure out what advice to follow, where to start and what lessons you need to learn. Trust me on this, you want to find your own way but you also want to make sure that you have a journey, a route. In all of the careers that I’ve ever held, below are a few of the items that I’ve picked up along the way. Keep them in mind, they are very important and they will help you build up your career!

1. Strive for something outside of your comfort zone

This is where you need to push your own boundaries and get out of the zone you are most comfortable in. The reason you need to do that is revealed in #2, however, you have to be willing to step outside. It will make all of the difference in the world and will help you grow your career.

2. Take the risk

See? This is why you need to push through your comfort zone, you absolutely need to take risks when you are first building your career. If you don’t, it won’t be worth it and truth be told, your career could end pretty early.

3. Don’t be scared to do the unexpected

This is something that I couldn’t live by more. Don’t expect anything, expect the unexpected and really start to understand that nothing is permanent, it is all fluid. The unexpected can be fun too.

Now that you know exactly how to build your career, what are some of the other lessons that you’ve learned? Share!

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